Tuesday 11 September 2012

What did i enjoy in year 9?

In year 9 we did some filming, some designing posters on photoshop. We did some film and product advertising. I'm good at teamwork, leadership and creativity.
In year 9 I enjoyed working with photoshop and other types of hardware such as the ipads.

Year 10

Tuesday 15 May 2012

  1. Clothes and props- The clothes are rough and have holes in which shows that they belong to a gang because the clothes could have been ripped in a fight which gangs have a lot of. The clothes look like fighting clothes because they don't look their best clothes as they are ripped and dirty. The men are wearing boots which are good to keep people with because it would hurt if they were to kick someone .
  2. Body language-Their body language looks like they don't care about anything as they are leaning against the barrier in a not bothered way. They look serious, maybe they are just about to have a fight. Also they are really close to each other which invades each persons personal space. This means that they are close friends or are trying to look intimidating. 
  3. Facial expressions- Their facial expressions are angry and serious, maybe they are going to have a fight and they think they are the best. This is stereo typically what gangs facial expressions looks like because they are rough people.
  4. Colours- The colours they use are dull and boring. these colours are used to get the audience thinking what life is like being a gang member which is dull, boring and moody. The colours of the title 'This Is England' is a mixture of red,whites and blues which are the colours of the England flag. This is trying to suggest that people in this time were racist because they disliked foreign people coming to England. It also suggests that people of this time were proud to be British.
  5.  Location-The location they are in is a street corner in a council estate. This is a type of place where gangs hang around. They might meet there because it is a quiet place so they won't get spotted easily.
  6. What they are doing-

Monday 14 May 2012

Click to show "people" result 3they are happy asnd cheery

Click to show "people" result 16 he lokks dull aned boring. he looks stupid and looks uncvaring.
Click to show "serious people" result 21 she looks unhappy and lonely

Tuesday 13 March 2012

What makes a good film trailer?

A film trailer must have scenes from the film. A good film poster is when the trailer makes the audience still guessing for whats going to happen next so the audience want to watch the film.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Ideas for my film website

My film website idea would be to have an options/links bar on the left hand side which would be able to take you to different areas of the website. I would have a trailer clip in the middle of the homepage so that people will watch it and then they will want to watch the film. The background picture of the website would be a desert with a cactus and the actor Daniel Craig who stars in the film. I would have that picture as the background because it is a picture to do with the film.

What makes a good film website?

A good film website needs-

  1. Links to download trailers and other web sites like Facebook where you can follow the site.
  2. Photos and screen savers that the audience can download.
  3. Games the audience can play that are to do with the film. For example a search game where you have to find characters in the film.
  4. sound clips from the film on the home page to welcome people to the website.
  5. A picture of the film on DVD.
  6. Animations so the audience get interested in the film and website.
  7. If the website is simple it is better.